About Connect5 Athy
Connect5 Athy is a digital health and wellbeing project led by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Centre for Positive Health Science, Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme Kildare (Maria Healy) and the HSE (Áine Buggy).
Connect5 Athy Testimonial
Here is a video telling you more about the experiences of one of the participants on Connect5 Athy.
Connect5 Athy Showcase Event
To learn more about the project, join us at our showcase event at the Athy Recreation Community Hall (ARCH) on Saturday the 13th of January between 2 and 3.30. Stay for a free cup of tea or coffee and refreshments afterwards.
Connect5 Athy app
The Connect5 Athy app will connect service users (for free) to a live coach, via chat/text, video or phone. The coach will ask the user questions about lifestyle and specific areas they might like help with. For example, someone might have difficulty sleeping and managing stress, related to work. The coach will develop a plan with the service user that will help them to improve sleep and manage stress, slowly, over time. If the problems are very severe, the coach might recommend that the person contact their GP or local mental health professional. The app will also have videos and recordings on how to improve health and tips on making new healthy habits.
We realise that not everyone is comfortable with digital technologies, including apps. However, it is very important to us that all citizens have access to this type of support. Therefore, we will provide technical support in the town for citizens who are worried about this type of technology or find it difficult to use.
We are recruiting people who live in Athy and the surrounding area to participate in a free 6 month study. Starting in April, you can download an app and speak with a health coach who can support you with your health: eating well, daily activity, stress management and sleep.
To sign up:
A short video explaining the project can be found here.